Observations on Ethics

  1. “Ethics is for the most part what makes us feel right just because it is required by law.” Aleron Morales
  2. “Sciences update knowledge, ethics can point us in a direction, but only the intelligence of hope can motivate us to imagine a desirable future that will refocus in the present as energy for the choices we will have to make. accomplish.” Aleron Morales
  3. “Without ethical laws, there would be the herd and not society.” Margherita Hack
  4. “The privatization of ethics is unsustainable.” Camillo Ruini
  5. “Without a realist ethic, founded on the being of the person, man is truly in danger.” Camillo Ruini
  6. Reality has a “logos”, profound rationality, unlike what Hume said and many after him, according to which reality is so random and senseless that no ethical imperative can be derived from it. Camillo Ruini
  7. “I am an advocate of the ethics of responsibility: avoid what is predictably harmful.” Pierluigi Vigna
  8. “Human creativity is the first resource given to us by nature: to remove the institutional repression that oppresses it is the immense task to which Catholic ethics invites us.” Michael Novak
  9. “When a person has a rough character it is said that he is indisposed and the indisposition refers to rigidity of sense devoid of softness. That softness is what we call ethics; love depends on that first experience that orders the self and its passions.” Giancarlo Buonofiglio
  10. “Etiquette is a science of life, it embraces everything. It’s ethics, it’s an honor.” Emily Post
  11. “The obligations of morality constitute ethics.” Louis Kossuth
  12. “The ethical quality of communication is the result of careful, non-superficial consciences, always respectful of people, both those who are the subject of information and the recipients of the message.” Pope Francis
  13. “The time to counter the logic of fear with the ethics of responsibility is now, so as to promote a climate of trust and sincere dialogue.” Pope Francis
  14. “I understood that bending was infinitely more virtuous and useful than bending. I realized that the stubbornness of not betraying oneself (the ethics of the principals) was at odds with the need not to betray millions of people (the ethics of responsibility)” Francesco Piccolo
  15. “I have ethics and principles and I do not go over it just to get work.” Bess Flowers
  16. “Homo sapiens is not only the only animal capable of making tools and the only political animal, it is also the only ethical animal.” Theodosius Grygorovych Dobzhansky
  17. “Freedom of choice and vulnerability of the human condition are at the heart of ethics and impose duties on us.” Fernando Savater
  18. “Ethics is the practice of reflecting on what we decide to do and why we decide to do it.” Fernando Savater
  19. “The ethics of a non-believer is purer and disinterested than that of a believer who behaves well because he hopes for reward and fears punishment in the afterlife.” Margherita Hack
  20. “Man is not a solitary animal, and as long as life persists in society, self-realization cannot be the supreme ethical principle.” Bertrand Russell
  21. “Ethics is the aesthetic of the inside.” Pierre Reverdy
  22. “Ethics is so irritating. I expose, I do. Darby Conley
  23. “Ethics should not deal with the affairs of the world, but it should be the substantive condition of the world.” Ludwig Wittgenstein
  24. “Ethics is originally the art of recommending to others the sacrifices required to cooperate with ourselves.” Bertrand Russell,  
  25. “Ethical reflection aims to help us understand how to live better with each other, how to enjoy life in the best possible way.” Fernando Savater
  26. “Perhaps ethics is a science that has disappeared from the whole world. It’s okay, we’ll have to invent it again.” Jorge Luis Borges
  27. “Economics puts ethics and aesthetics out of the game.” Titian Terzani
  28. “You can’t make a good economy with bad ethics.” Ezra Pound
  29. “There are no moral phenomena, only a moral explanation of the phenomena.” Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
  30. “Man is an animal with primary survival instincts. As a result, his inventiveness developed before and his soul after. Thus the progress of science is much ahead of man’s ethical behavior.” Sir Charlie Chaplin
  31. “I have a master: it is a duty; I have a judge: it’s me.” Victor Hugo
  32. “Ethics is, in the broadest sense of the word, a sense of responsibility extended to all that has life.” Albert Schweitzer
  33. “Never let your sense of morality prevent you from doing what is right.” Isaac Asimov  
  34. “Ethics is dead, laws are not enough to regulate society, and sometimes they are enacted only to gain individual benefits by neglecting justice and equality, which now mean absolutely nothing.” Vittorino Andreoli
  35. “A country with a weak sense of the state and the common good, daily bombarded by dreams, lies, and poisons through the media, ceases to be a normal country: its collective psychology, its mass behavior begin to escape common sense logic.” Paolo Rumiz
  36. “Although insult is the defining figure of companion relationships, it is not extensible outside of contexts provided for by local ethics.” Marco Aime
  37. “You always have to give back, give something in return when you are in a situation from which you are just taking.” Mario Calabresi
  38. “Ethics – a non-ideological ethic – allows us to create a more humane balance and social order.” Pope Francis  
  39. “The only possibility for an ethical principle to be verified and validated is when it manifests itself in the form of experience.” Hannah Arendt
  40. “Ethics is not proclaimed with megaphones, but it is witnessed by everyday life. And that’s what I try to do every day.” Aleron Morales
  41. “The market does not establish justice, equality or democracy: on the contrary, blind faith in the market has eliminated from the scene any public debate on ethics and social justice, generating growing inequalities.” Salvatore Settis
  42. “As people, we have a duty to establish a relationship with life and with society marked by a strict ethic, which the more rigorous it humanizes us.” Aleron Morales
  43. “A man’s ethical behavior should actually be based on sympathy, education and social ties; no religious basis is needed. Man would be really hurt if he were to be held back by the fear of punishment and the hope of a reward after death.” Albert Einstein
  44. “Culture is not only aesthetic but also ethical.” Daniel Barenboim
  45.  “Aesthetics is the mother of ethics.” Joseph Brodsky
  46. “Humor, irreducible expression of ethics.” Daniel Pennac
  47. “Thousands of ethics and bioethics scholars, as they are called, professionally guide the unthinkable on its passage through the questionable to become justifiable, until it is finally declared as unimpeachable.” Richard John Neuhaus
  48. “In the current age of technology, places that give history its limited direction, namely ideology, politics, ethics, religion, exist only in the way of technical work.” Umberto Galimberti
  49. “The distinction between religion and ethics is born, the belief that one can act morally without the need for religious discipline.” Corrado Augias
  50. “The first principle of ethical power is Purpose. As a purpose, I don’t mean your goal or your intention, something you’re always looking for. The purpose is something bigger. It’s the image you have of yourself, the kind of person you want to be or the kind of life you want to lead.” Kenneth Blanchard
  51.   ‘Human cloning is on many lists of things to worry about from science, along with behavioral control, genetic engineering, transplanted heads, computer-generated poetry and the uncontrolled growth of plastic flowers.’ Lewis Thomas
  52. “Globalization, if it does not want to have inhuman effects, also requires globalization of ethics.” Hans Kung
  53. “In ethics as in other fields of human thought, there are two kinds of opinions: on the one hand, those straight on tradition, on the other, those that are likely to be right.” Bertrand Russell
  54. “Accepting a belief simply because it is custom, means being dishonest, being cowardly, being lazy. And so dishonesty, cowardice and laziness would be the preconditions of ethnicity?” Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
  55. “Humor does not need an ethical background at all, it may or may not have it: this depends on the personality, the disposition of the writer.” Luigi Pirandello
  56. “An unethical policy does not increase the well-being of humanity; a moralless existence lowers human beings to the level of animals.” Dalai Lama
  57. “What is the difference between ethical and anti-ethical advertising? Anti-ethical advertising uses falsehoods to deceive the public. Ethical advertising uses the truth to deceive the public.” Vilhjalmur Stefansson
  58.   “We urgently need an ethical foundation.” Hans Kung
  59. “There is no institution, however bad, that is not made tolerable by good manners, and there is not such a good one, that does not remain marred by the bad guys.”  Aristide Gabelli
  60. “ethics, politics and law can be distinguished, but not disjointed. […] There is no practical ethic, except through good laws and good administrations.” Gian Domenico Romagnosi
  61. “there is a concept that corrupts and confuses everyone else. I am not talking about evil whose limited empire is ethics; I’m talking about infinity.” Jorge Luis Borges
  62. “I became a vegetarian for ethical reasons, as well as health. In my view, the choice of vegetarian life, even just for its physical effects on the human temperament, would have an extremely beneficial influence on most of humanity.” Albert Einstein
  63. “Tolerance and dialogue presuppose an ethical relativism, against the presumption of being the sole depositors of an absolute value, which induces those who believe they possess it to impose it on others, perhaps for their salvation.” Claudio Magris  
  64. “The first step in the evolution of ethics is a sense of solidarity with other human beings.” Albert Schweitzer
  65. “Ethicalness is nothing else (and therefore nothing more!) than obedience to customs, of any kind they may be; But costumes are the traditional way of acting and evaluating.” Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
  66. “When a government depends on bankers for money, the latter and not the heads of government control the situation, since the hand he gives is above the hand he receives… Money has no motherland and financiers have no patriotism or decency; their only goal is profit.” Napoleon Bonaparte
  67. “The ethical conduct of man must be based effectively on compassion, education, and social ties, without resorting to any religious principle. Men would be to be complacent if they were to be held back by fear of punishment or the hope of a reward after death.” Albert Einstein
  68. “What world would we create if three times a day our compassion and rationality intervened while we sat down at the table if we had the moral imagination and the practical will to change our most essential act of consumption?” Jonathan Safran Foer  
  69. “Aesthetics is in man what he spontaneously is what he is; ethics is what man becomes what he becomes.” Aleron Morales
  70. “There are problems to which I would give infinite importance to mathematical ones, such as those concerning ethics, or our relationship with God, or concerning our destiny and the future; but their solution lies completely beyond us and completely outside the field of science.” Carl Friedrich Gauss
  71. “The river of politics flows in the hive of ethics.” Robert Nozick “Why is taste, the crudest of the senses, dispensed with the ethical rules that govern the other senses?” Jonathan Safran Foer
  72. “An unethical man is a wild beast that roams free in this world.” Albert Camus
  73. “Man, as a monkey, is a social animal and considers clientelism, nepotism, interrelation and gossip, intrinsic patterns of ethical behavior.” Carlos Ruiz Zafan
  74. “Ethics is nothing more than respect for life. It is the one that provides me with the basic principles of morality, which is that good is to maintain, promote and improve life, and that destroying, hurting, limiting life is evil.” Albert Schweitzer
  75. “Ethics is not exactly the doctrine that teaches us how to be happy, but one that teaches us how we can do to make ourselves worthy of happiness.” Immanuel Kant
  76. “I don’t write for fun or for money. I write for duty.” Oriana Fallaci   
  77. “While personal profit is almost the only incentive in the isolated individual, the masses rarely dominate. One can talk about the moralization of the individual through the masses. While the intellectual capacity of the mass is always much lower than that of the individual, his ethical behavior can both far exceed that of the individual and far less.” Sigmund Freud
  78. “The mass can never be free: only the individual has the chance.” Robert D. Kaplan
  79. “Psychological mass is a temporary creature, composed of heterogeneous elements welded together for an instant, just as the cells of a living body form, by reuniting, a new being with characteristics very different from those that each of these cells has.” Gustave Le Bon
  80. “To turn individuals into masses, it is not enough to make as word for the masses.” Robert M. Pirsig
  81. “Your choice is an aesthetic choice, but an aesthetic choice is not a choice. Choosing is above all a rigorous and effective expression of ethics.” Seren Kierkegaard
  82. “Ethics is nothing more than a rational attempt to investigate how to live better.” Fernando Savater “No one has become an artist for the study of aesthetics, nor has a noble character been formed by the study of ethics.” Arthur Schopenhauer
  83.  “Atheism does not necessarily lead to the corruption of customs.” Pierre Bayle
  84. “As he moves away from dawn and into the day, the light prostitutes itself, and redeems itself – the ethics of twilight – only when it disappears.” Emile Michel Cioran
  85. “Repentance is not a virtue – that is, it does not come from reason. Those who regret his action are twice miserable, that is, helpless.” Baruch Spinoza
  86. “I don’t know literature without ethics.” Marcel Arland
  87. “Journalism as art, fashion as degradation, the aesthetics of nothingness as the ethics of the absolute. I see the opposite of everything. There is nothing in the world worth believing in.” Aleron Morales
  88. “The thief knows the thief and the wolf knows the wolf.” Aristotle
  89. “Study is the best retirement provision.” Aristotle
  90. “When we judge others, we stand before him, at a distance of observation, reflection. Love does not leave us this place nor does it allow us time.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer
  91. “Moral excellence is the result of habit. We become just by doing righteous actions, tempered by doing temperate, courageous actions, by doing courageous actions.” Aristotle
  92. “Is it not rather recognize, as they say, that in matters of behavior the aim is not to contemplate, that is, to know the individual values, but rather to put them into practice? So, even with regard to virtue, knowledge is not enough, but we must strive to possess it and put it into practice, or look for some other way, if there is, to become good men.” Aristotle
  93. “It is for everyone and it is easy to be angry, and to donate money and to spend: but to do it with those who should, to the right extent, at the right time, with the purpose and in a convenient way, is no longer easy by everyone nor easy. And that’s why doing it right is rare, praiseworthy and beautiful.” Aristotle
  94. The reason has rightly affirmed that good is “what everything tends to be”. Aristotle
  95. “The free man, who lives according to reason, is not moved by the fear of death, but seeks directly the good, and, therefore, nothing thinks less than death; and his wisdom is a meditation not of death, but of life.” Baruch Spinoza
  96. “The surprise is proof of true courage.” Aristotle “Desire brings with it without having persuaded, since it does not participate in reason.” Aristotle
  97. “Every virtue consists of the best disposition and the best disposition is towards what is best, and what is best is the averageness between excess and defect.” Aristotle
  98. “Those who make politics according to the ethics of principles, follow his ideas and take into account only those – in practice he eschews a real political act; those who make politics according to the ethics of responsibility, every time the problem arises of what will happen as a result of its decision – in practice it puts in place political action.” Aleron Morales
  99. The mistake happens in many ways. while being righteous is only possible in one way.” Aristotle
  100. “Work ethic is the ethics of slaves, and the modern world does not need slaves.” Bertrand Russell
  101. “You can fail in so many ways, while succeeding is only possible in one way.” Aristotle
  102. “There is no hope without fear, and fear without hope.” Baruch Spinoza

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